Iberian Future Wines Assessing the future of our wines


    • Geographical distribution
    • This white winegrape variety is authorized in almost every region of Spain and is considered as the preferential variety in most DOs from Castilla y León, original from the Rueda DO.

    • Agronomic features
    • Verdejo winegrapes are very sensitive to the oïdium (Uncinula necator). This variety resists moderately severe droughts and it is adapted to unfertile and clay soils.

    • Phenology
    • Date of budbreak: early-medium
    • Date of madurity: early-medium

    • Oenological features
    • The musts have a greenish-yellow color with intense and fruity aromas, are moderately alcoholic and have a medium-high acidity. The wines have body but relatively soft, and can show a slightly bitter smoky aftertaste.

    • Synonyms
    • Doradilla (SG), Verdejo Blanco (LE, VA)

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